List of 84 Yoga Asanas with Pictures and their Benefits – Yoga Postures Step by Step

The 84 Yoga Asanas list serves as a comprehensive guide to unlock the transformative potential of yoga, promoting holistic well-being

84 Yoga Asanas List

The 84 Yoga Asanas, also known as the Hatha Yoga Asanas, comprise a diverse array of postures that harmonize the body, mind, and spirit. These ancient poses are an integral part of yoga practice, each designed to offer unique physical and mental benefits.

An asana embodies a specific body posture, encompassing an infinite range of possibilities. Within this vast array, particular postures are distinguished as “yoga asanas” or simply “yogasanas.” The term “yoga” denotes a path towards elevated dimensions and heightened life perception. Therefore, any posture capable of guiding one towards these elevated possibilities is referred to as a “yogasana.”

84 Yoga Asanas List with Names

Yoga PoseDescription
1. VirabhadrasanaSalute to the Gods and Goddesses – series
2. SuryanamaskaraSalute to the Sun
3. ParsvardhacandrasanaLateral Half Moon
4. ArdhacandrasanaBack Bend
5. PadhastasanaHands to Feet
6. TrikonasanaTriangle Pose
7. DandayamanavibhaktapadajanusirasanaStanding Separate Legs Head to Knee
8. UtkatasanaChair Pose
9. GarudasanaEagle Pose
10. DandayamanajanusirasanaStanding Head to Knee
11. DandayamanadhanurasanaStanding Bow
12. TuladandasanaBalancing Stick
13. VibhaktahastatuladandasanaSeparate Hands Balancing Stick
14. DandayamanavibhaktapadapascimottanasanaStanding Separate Legs Stretching Pose
15. TadasanaTree Pose
16. PadangusthasanaToe Stand
17. VamanasanaShort-man Pose
18. KhagasanaCrow Pose
19. BakasanaCrane Pose
20. AngusthasanaFinger Stand
21. PranasanaLife Pose
22. SukhasanaEasy Pose
23. SamasanaBalanced Pose
24. SiddhasanaSuccess in Meditation
25. BhadrasanaGentle Pose
26. SvastikasanaGood Luck Pose
27. ArdhapadmasanaHalf Lotus Pose
28. PadmasanaLotus Pose
29. UtthitapadmasanaRaised Lotus Pose
30. BaddhapadmasanaBound Lotus Pose
31. TulangulasanaWeighing Scale Pose
32. GarbhasanaFetus Pose
33. MatsyasanaFish Pose
34. MakarasanaCrocodile Pose
35. ParvatasanaMountain Pose
36. KukkutasanaCockerel Pose
37. SavasanaCorpse Pose
38. ParvanamuktasanaWind Removing Pose
39. BhujangasanaCobra Pose
40. SalabhasanaLocust Pose
41. PurnasalabhasanaFull Locust Pose
42. DhanurasanaFull Bow Pose
43. SuptavajrasanaFixed Firm/ Reclining Hero Pose
44. ArdhakurmasanaHalf Tortoise Pose
45. UstrasanaCamel Pose
46. SasakasanaRabbit Pose
47. JanusirasanaHead to Knee Pose (Seated)
48. PascimottanasanaSeated Forward Bend
49. VibhaktapadapascimottanasanaSeparate Leg Stretch Pose
50. MandukasanaFrog Pose
51. UttitapascimottanasanaUpward Stretching Pose
52. PurnavibhaktapadajanusirasanaSplits/ Full Separate Leg Head to Knee
53. EkapadarajakapotasanaKing Pigeon Pose
54. DandayamanapurnajanusirasanaSplits in the Air/ Full Standing Head to Knee
55. NatarajasanaDancer Pose
56. AkarnadhanurasanaBow Pulling/ Archer Pose
57. CatuskonasanaFour Angle Pose
58. GomukhasanaCow Face Pose
59. ArdhamatsyendrasanaMatsyendra’s Pose/ Spine Twist
60. EkapadagokilasanaFlying Crow Pose
61. EkapadasirasanaFoot Behind Head Pose
62. DvipadasirasanaBoth Feet Behind Head Pose
63. UtthitakurmasanaRaised Tortoise Pose
64. KurmasanaTortoise Pose
65. YoganidrasanaYogic Sleep Pose
66. OmkarasanaOm Pose
67. SamkatasanaDifficult Pose
68. PurnabhujangasanaFull Cobra Pose
69. PurnadhanurasanaFull Bow Pose
70. Purna-UstrasanaFull Camel Pose
71. UrdhvadhanurasanaWheel Pose (Upward-Facing Bow)
72. EkapadaviparitadandasanaOne-legged Inverted Staff Pose
73. MayurasanaPeacock Pose
74. BaddhamayurasanaLotus Peacock Pose
75. EkapadamayurasanaOne-legged Peacock Pose
76. EkahastamayurasanaOne-handed Peacock Pose
77. HalasanaPlow Pose
78. SarvangasanaSupported Shoulder Stand
79. UrdhvasarvangasanaShoulder Stand (Unsupported)
80. SirsasanaSupported Headstand
81. UrdhvasirsasanaHeadstand (Unsupported)
82. VyaghasanaTiger Pose
83. VyaghrasanavrscikasanaScorpion Pose
84. HastasanaUpward Salute Pose
List of 84 Yoga Asanas
Yoga Asanas Chart
84 yoga asanas chart

Yoga Poses and their Benefits

Yoga PoseTechniqueBenefits
Sukhasana (Easy Pose)Sit with legs tucked inside opposite thighs, keeping the spine straight. Place hands on knees and breathe gently.Reduces anxiety, stress, and mental tiredness. Corrects body posture and stretches the chest and spine.
Tadasana (Mountain Pose)Stand with heels and toes joined, raise arms up, and take a deep breath. Raise heels, lay weight on toes, and breathe out. Repeat.Strengthens leg muscles, aids height growth in children, relieves leg pain, corrects posture, and improves body alignment.
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Stretch)Lie on the stomach, palms beside chest. Exhale, raise trunk, straighten arms, form an inverted ‘V’ with the body.Calms the brain, reduces shoulder stiffness, and tones the legs.
Dhanur Asana (Bow Pose)Lie on belly, bend knees, hold feet with hands, raise chest, and stretch feet, forming a bow. Breathe deeply, relax, and repeat.Makes spine flexible, reduces obesity, relieves stomach pain, and strengthens arm, leg, and stomach muscles.
Trikon Asana (Triangular Pose)Stand in Tadasana, feet 3 feet apart, right foot turned 90 degrees. Bend right, touch right ankle, keeping legs straight. Repeat on the other side.Improves spinal flexibility, relieves back pain, massages the pelvic region, and aids digestion.
Vakrasana (Twisted Pose)Place right foot high on left thigh, hands over the head with palms together. Keep spine straight, sole flat. Change leg after releasing.Tones back muscles, straightens upper back, strengthens neck muscles, reduces belly fat, and improves digestion.
Bhujangasana (Cobra Stretch)Lie on stomach, hands near shoulders, raise chest, straighten arms, and raise toes. Release while breathing out. Repeat.Makes spine flexible, broadens the chest, activates neck, shoulders, chest, head, and improves circulation. Reduces obesity.
Halasana (Plough Pose)Lie straight, palms beside the body, lift lower body, touch ground behind the head with toes. Hold for 10-15 seconds and return to initial position.Strengthens neck muscles, reduces weight and back pain, and improves blood circulation.
Malasana (Yoga Squat Pose)Stand with feet wider than hips, bend knees, lower pelvis below knees. Keep back straight and hands in a prayer position.Strengthens lower back, stretches groin and lower back, tones the belly, and relieves tension in hips and knees.
Sirsasana (Headstand)Use a wall for support, keep spine straight with head down and feet up. Use hands for support.Improves blood circulation, respiratory system, concentration, memory, and strengthens the upper body.
Savasana (Corpse Pose)Lie down on your back with legs apart, palms facing up. Close your eyes and relax all muscles.Cures hypertension, mental stress, refreshes the mind and body, and removes fatigue.
84 Yoga Asanas List and their Benefits

84 Yoga Asanas List with Pictures PDF

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